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Friday, March 12, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick . . .

First_Aid That's all we have around our house this week, we all got the stomach bug. A very powerful stomach bug that travels very fast from person to person. First it started with Coby’s Father, he got it after he got back from the cruise. Two days later, Rebecca got it, and Christiana, Coby and I got it around the same time. Is not finish yet! We have couple more girls, but hopefully they are immune to this bug.

I don’t wish this on anyone, because it is very painful and nasty. Please pray for us!

1 Comment:

Mary N. said...

I will pray for you. My daughter had a stomach bug that started with vomiting last Friday and many trips to the bathroom. It has been a week and her stomach is still giving her trouble. Some of those bugs can be pretty nasty!

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