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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I got the iPhone 3G!

Yes, I got the iPhone 3G - the white one (I've had it for over two weeks, but just got around to tell about it now) If you go to the Apple website you'll read the tag line on the iPhone 3G - "Twice as fast. Half the price", they should add another line to that: Twice as fast. Half the price, and twice as long to own it. A week after the iPhone 3G came out I decided to go to the apple store. I figured it's been a week and I'm sure I can just walk in the store and purchase the iPhone, in and out, maximum would be half-hour! Well, three hours later, I got the iPhone! I spent my day off on Friday with my brave three girls stood in line from 10 in the morning until 1 in the afternoon. So, I was among the millions who stooped to the nonsense of Apple's marketing scheme! Although the iPhone 3G is superb, the looks of it, the feel of it, all the functionality, and I can even make calls, we will have to see whether or not I will wait in line for three hours next time! The girls definitely think twice when ever I ask, "who wants to go to the apple store with daddy?"