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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Benediction May 16: Fr. Miguel Marie

Technology is truly amazing! You don’t have to watch TV in your living room anymore. Unless of course you are a movie goers or sport fans, nothing like watching a movie or sport on the BIG screen, preferably 52 inches or bigger. But I’m talking about being able to watch something like EWTN right at your finger tips. Either it’d be a computer, an iPad, or an iPhone.

You can now watched various programs of EWTN on your iPhone (or iPad) through various means.ewtn_youtube,jpgYouTube:

Or you can watch it live (online streaming) by going to on your iPhone or iPad (or any other handheld devices that supports the online streaming).

Above is a YouTube link of Fr. Miguel when he did the Benediction on May 16, 2010.


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