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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Write Your Representative - Important

nancy-pelosi-5-29-08 We need your action to stop PelosiCare before it gets voted on this Saturday. Before it happens, we need to email (Click the word ‘email’ for easy link to write) and call 202-224-3121 our elected representatives to demand that they vote NO on HR 3962.

The problem with this bill:

1. This legislation still funds abortions with our taxpayer dollars. 2. Its price tag is outrageous and will be crippling to our economy.
3. Nationalized health care systems always disadvantage the elderly and the very sick.

4058619600_d432b08482_o Even if you've never contacted your representative before, please do so today. It's really important!


Facts: few more reasons to oppose HR 3962


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