Our Parish has a beautiful Nativity set outside the Church and it always attracts little children including ours. Our girls never get tired of looking at the Baby Jesus. I think we should all learn from our children how to adore the Baby Jesus, in a simple and most loving way!
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Sunday, December 28, 2008
All Eyes Are Still Fixed On The Baby Jesus
Posted by Our Family at 10:44 PM
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Labels: Baby Jesus, Merry Christmas
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Octave with The Friars
We had a fun day with the Franciscan Friars bowling yesterday. Most of the Brothers and Priests were there and even my Mom bowled too. Father Miguel was the winner from our group. I guess he's still got it!
After that my parents and Fr. Miguel came over to our house for dinner and we opened our gifts. Thank you Papa and Mama for the Christmas gifts for all of us. The girls love their dresses (Abigail didn't want to be in this picture with her sisters). Thank you Fr. Miguel for the goody basket.
Father Miguel and I just had to do something silly for this picture.
Posted by Our Family at 10:06 AM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wishing You and Your Family the Joy of God's Miracles This Christmas!
Posted by Our Family at 12:00 PM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Gifts From Troy, Michigan
Merry Christmas to Tom, Barb, Amanda and Rob and thank you for all the gifts for us, especially for the girls. They love it! Your buckets must be full by now. Love the Merry Mochacino! Thank you and we miss y'all.
Posted by Our Family at 8:15 AM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Thank You Albert & Ira for the "Warm" Gift
Posted by Our Family at 8:00 AM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Visit to Grandma and Grandpa

Posted by Our Family at 7:28 AM
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Labels: Gift, Girls, Grandma and Grandpa, Merry Christmas
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Therese and Her Family Paper Dolls
Rebecca received a great Christmas gift from her godparents, Monica and Marius; "Therese and Her Family Paper Dolls". They were busy the rest of the day cutting the paper dolls, dressing them up, lining them up and listening to the story of St. Therese and her family. You can check it out here if you'd like to purchase Therese and Her Family Paper Dolls
Thank you very much to Monica and Marius! This is more than paper dolls, a great gift and a great teaching tool!
Posted by Our Family at 8:23 PM
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Labels: Merry Christmas, Paper Dolls, Rebecca, St. Therese
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Friday, December 19, 2008
First Confession for Gabriela
Today was a big day for Gabriela, she had her first confession. She chose to have her uncle, Fr. Miguel to hear her first confession. She also chose to do it now rather than later (sometime in March before her First Communion), because she wanted to give Jesus this gift for Christmas.
Posted by Our Family at 11:11 PM
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Labels: Chucke Cheese, Confession, Gabriela
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Poinsettia and Abigail
Posted by Our Family at 9:56 PM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Sunday, December 14, 2008
God's Covenant
This beautiful rainbow was over our house a couple of weeks ago. Just a thought . . . with all the doom-and-gloom happening in this world, we know that God is not going to destroy the earth with the flood again.
(Genesis 9:12-17) 12 God added: "This is the sign that I am giving for all ages to come, of the covenant between me and you and every living creature with you: 13 I set my bow in the clouds to serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. 14 When I bring clouds over the earth, and the bow appears in the clouds, 15 I will recall the covenant I have made between me and you and all living beings, so that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all mortal beings. 16 As the bow appears in the clouds, I will see it and recall the everlasting covenant that I have established between God and all living beings--all mortal creatures that are on earth." 17 God told Noah: "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all mortal creatures that are on earth."
Posted by Our Family at 9:46 AM
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Labels: Flood, Genesis, Noah, Rainbow
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Saturday, December 13, 2008
Maryland Blue Crabs from Publix!
We got really excited when we came across some blue crabs at Publix's seafood department... So we bought them all, cleaned them out (okay, it wasn't a bushel, maybe 16 pieces)! Took them home, heat them up and picked some crabs. It wasn't as good as the one we've gotten in Maryland, but enough to enjoy and to remember the good old days when we used to live in Maryland and picked crabs for hours and hours with our close friends.
Posted by Our Family at 9:11 PM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Flashback to Weekend of Thanksgiving 2007
I was thinking about what happened last year on Thanksgiving weekend at our house. We were sitting around having a relaxing weekend, no shopping mall crowds, no traffic, no airport crowds, just our family. The girls were doing their own things somewhere in our bedroom. Coby was on the phone. Shortly after, I noticed Abigail was chewing on something in her mouth. And I asked what she was eating and she opened her mouth and saw a "watch" type battery (another name: button battery). I took the one battery out off her mouth and very proudly I showed Coby what I had found from her mouth.
We were both wondering where she found this battery from, until we noticed it was from a book light in our bedroom. However this book light uses "three" of these button batteries... so, "where are the other two batteries?", asked Coby. We look and look everywhere, under the bed, under the dressers, in the garbage cans, under the sofa, under the chairs... the two batteries were no where to be found.
To make a long story short, we ended up spending the rest of the day in the emergency room, because we had heard horror stories, (click here) or (here) about a child from Atlanta swallowing a watch battery and it exploded in the stomach and died. After the x-ray, sure thing, the two batteries were in Abigail's stomach. Abigail was given a laxative and had to have several more x-rays to make sure the batteries were moving accordingly through her stomach and intestines and eventually she passed it the day after.
Talk about nerve racking! The picture above is her x-ray and you can see the two white dots were the batteries located in her body. When I told the colleagues at my work, they were saying how she is a "gloworm", so I came up with the picture below.
Posted by Our Family at 6:58 AM
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Labels: Abigail, Batteries, Flashback, Gloworm, Thanksgiving, X-Ray
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Sunday, November 23, 2008
27 More Minutes On the Laundry
These girls are so cute, they are waiting for their favorites dresses to be done from washing. It's probably the longest 27 minutes they've ever waited.
Posted by Our Family at 11:47 AM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Hooray to our Bishops . . . Catholic Bishops Will fight Obama on Abortion
Must read this article - Catholic bishops will fight Obama on abortion A lot of great and strong quotes, we are very proud of our Bishops!
Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Diocese of Kansas City in Kansas said, "They cannot call themselves Catholic when they violate such a core belief as the dignity of the unborn,"
Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton in Pa said, "I cannot have a vice president-elect coming to Scranton to say he's learned his values there when those values are utterly against the teachings of the Catholic Church,"
Visit United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website
Posted by Our Family at 11:00 PM
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Labels: Catholic Bishop, Obama Pro-Abortion
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's A Sad Day In America . . . But We Are Not Doomed!
Mark this day on the calendar! This should make you smile a little.
I wanted to express my feelings and reaction from last night's election results. Yes, I'm sad our Pro-Life Candidates didn't win. I'm worried what kind of changes we will face in the next four years. What's going to happen to America?
After all is said and done, what is important to me? I have my faith, I have God! I have my beautiful wife that loves me and that I love very much! I have my children, my girls! I have family. And I have my job! These are what's important to me and these are what will get me through my life.
There are a lot of good people in America still, that thought gives me hope, as a matter of fact there are over 55 million good people. We are not alone! We survived Carter, we survived Bill Clinton and we will survive Barack Hussein Obama!
I read this on the internet today, "the media creates the culture and the culture elects the politicians!"
Lord Have Mercy On Us!
"1.20.13 Obama's Last Day" is courtesy of
Posted by Our Family at 3:33 PM
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Labels: Faith, God, Moral, Values
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Monday, November 3, 2008
All Saints on Halloween Night

Mary in her modern donkey
with children from our neighborhood
Posted by Our Family at 9:21 PM
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Labels: Halloween, Mary, Saints, St. Bernadette, St. Gabriel
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Sunday, November 2, 2008
How Fast They Grow

Abigail has been recruited to sit in the chair for the photo op and we will compare it three years from now.
Posted by Our Family at 9:06 PM
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Labels: Arboretum, Growing, Nature
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Sunday, October 26, 2008
Is America going to make a mistake and be punished with Barack 0bama?
A quote from Obama on this YouTube, “I got two daughters, 9 years old and 6 years old. I’m going to teach them first of all about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punish with a baby!”
Posted by Our Family at 10:02 PM
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Labels: McCain Pro-Life, Obama Pro-Abortion
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.From Jack-O-Lanterns to Saint-O-Lanterns
We started this tradition at our home a year ago for Halloween. We carved pumpkins with heavenly themes. This year Gabriela chose a “Marian” theme, Rebecca chose “Sacred Heart of Jesus”, and Abigail chose “Saint Joan of Arc’s shield”. Carving Saint-O-Lantern is fun and more meaningful than just a typical scary looking jack-o-lantern! The idea was taken from "A Year with God, Celebrating the Liturgical Year - Little Way Press" Distributed by Catholic Heritage Curricula

Posted by Our Family at 8:15 PM
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Labels: Halloween, Pumpkins, Saints
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Friday, October 17, 2008
One Dollar for Nuts
Posted by Our Family at 12:11 AM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Chicago trip with Gabriela.

(back row) John, Andrew, Peter, Madeline, Mary, Abby
Between the wedding Mass and reception, we went to Legoland. The photo below you will see in front of Legoland they have a BIG size giraffe made of legos. And the man where Gabriela sitting next too is also made of legos (check out the hole on his sock).

Posted by Our Family at 9:03 PM
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Labels: Chicago, family, Lego, Trip, Wedding
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Financial Crisis in America
Inlight of what's happening in the financial sector in America, President Bush signed an unprecedented "bail out" and will be issuing a new one dollar bill to commemorate the confusion in the wall street. We have the first look (complimentary of Steve Sutanto) at what the new one dollar bill will look like.
Posted by Our Family at 3:46 PM
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Labels: Bail out, Crisis, Financial
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Thursday, October 2, 2008
October 2nd - The Feast of the Guardian Angels - Happy Anniversary To My Dear Wife!

Posted by Our Family at 12:43 AM
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Labels: Anniversary, marriage
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Monday, September 29, 2008
Someone had sent us a link to this website: PrayForSarahPalin.com - Follow the link and, pledge and pray (if you are in the computer world, you understand plug and play, but this one is Pledge and Pray) The "praying" part is very crucial and much needed!
Posted by Our Family at 9:00 PM
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Labels: Sarah Palin
Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Wednesday, September 24, 2008
On a lighter side . . . Family of Origin
'How did the human race appear?'
The mother answered, 'God made Adam and Eve;
Two days later the girl asked her father the same question.
The father answered,
'Many years ago there were monkeys from
which the human race evolved.'
The confused girl returned to her mother and said,
'Mum, how is it possible that you told me the
human race was created by God,
and dad said they developed from monkeys?'
The mother answered,
'Well, Dear, it is very simple.
I told you about my side of the family,
Posted by Our Family at 9:53 PM
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Click Here to Go to Top of Page.Monday, September 22, 2008
Camping at Lake Guntersville
It was for the weekend only, we arrived on Friday night and came back Sunday afternoon. It was quick and to the point and we had so much fun. The girls wished we could've stayed longer, but nevertheless they were happy. We played in the playground, we swam in the lake, we went biking, we went fishing. Rebecca caught a fish again, she was the only one that caught a fish this time. Daddy was too busy un-tangling the fishing lines, hooking the worm, re-hooking the worm and hooking the worm. Gabriela was convinced that it was because her worm wasn't wiggling, why she wasn't catching any fish.

Posted by Our Family at 8:58 PM
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