Here We Are Countdown

Time Left Until 


Friday, September 25, 2009

Back To Wood

Stay tuned . . . I’m working on a big project! Just purchased the materials tonight. Does anyone want to take a wild guess what I’m working on? Will be revealed right here when finished, so keep checking back and find out soon.wood

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bud’s Best Cookies Tour


As part of the homeschooling program, the teacher (that would be Coby) took the girls to a Bud’s Best Cookies facility. They got to see how the cookies are being made by riding in an indoor train, and they also got some free cookies as part of the tour. And the real highlight of the tour was they had to wear a hair net covering on their head, and the girls thought that was the coolest thing. Well, they’ve corrected me, the highlight was riding the train and getting some warm cookies in the cup.

bud's 2bud'sPhotos were taken by Allison Rumore

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This I Like Too!

I’m sure this is a dream of every iPhone users to have an iPhone that will do this.

But then, I guess I can keep on dreaming!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another Milestone


When you look at this picture, you may be thinking . . . “oh no”, they are letting their daughter be an alter “girl” server (although alter girls are approved by the Church), however we do believe strongly an alter server should be “boys” for the sake of nurturing their possible vocation to the priesthood. And we do  believe that there are places for girls to take part in Holy Mass, such as being in the choir.

Gabriela has joined and has been practicing in the girls choir at our parish, Our Lady of Sorrows. Her debut singing in the choir was today at the 8:30 am Holy Mass. It was so beautiful and very touching to see that our little girl is doing something that she loves to do and at the same time praising God through her singing, and she looks so cute in her choir outfit.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Reading Time With Grandma

I have to say, this is a very rare moment to see Grandma read a story book to Abigail. I love to see the two of them just sat on the couch, Grandma was reading and Abigail was just listening while sucking her thumb.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

This I Like!

Since I’m an automotive guy and enjoy my iPhone, I’m in favor for this new hybrid Lexus LF-Ch Concept sports car. This is only a concept, and we don’t know if Lexus will really put this out in the market. This Lexus concept car was at the Frankfurt Auto Show.


The LF-Ch has four sport seats that feature trim lighting along the cushion’s edge for cabin illumination. Rear passengers can enjoy headrest-mounted iPhone® docking capability for audio and video entertainment. In addition, the LF-Ch has storage in the rear seat armrests for small items such as iPods®, PDAs and cell phones.” [Jalopnik]

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Gabriela!

IMG_0088Once upon a time someone had told me, “the more children you have the easier it becomes.” Well, I have to say it is somewhat true. Today Gabriela turns 8 years old and we had a birthday party for her last Sunday, and she . . .


. . . decorated her own cake 

and . . . organized “pin the nose on the clown” game.

IMG_2526 Happy birthday my little “big” girl! We love you!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Junior Master Gardener

JMG_growingGabriela has enrolled in the Junior Master Gardener (An international youth gardening program of the University Extension network) and attended the first class at the Aldridge Gardens last week. JMG mission is: to grow good kids by igniting a passion for learning, success and service through a unique gardening education.IMG_2517Leaning-mantis-larger-rightShe has her own 15 square foot plot of garden that she will be responsible of taking care of it through out the duration of the program. She could grow any vegetables or plants and at the same time learn how to grow and care of them. She loves it!

We will be updating this blog from time to time with the progress of her garden plot at the Aldridge Gardens or IMG_2515if you are in the area, you are welcome to visit her garden plot (behind the pavilion), and it’s marked with her name on the upside-down clay pot. 


Saturday, September 12, 2009


Bag of rice: $6.95

60 foot Yacht: $275,000

30 GB iPhone 3G S: $499

Relaxing with my girls: Priceless!

This is what is all about . . . work hard for the whole week and enjoy the perfect weekend with my family. Stayed home for most of the time. I live for weekends like this!


Friday, September 11, 2009

Fun Friday

picture of the day

"Sure Wish Somebody Would Invent Something To Keep The Sun Out Of My Eyes."

Monday, September 7, 2009

Twenty Ten (2010) By Lloyd Marcus

Start spreading the news, 2010 is just around the corner, we are taking back America!

It’s up to you in 2010!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From Patrick Madrid’s Blog: Top Ten Father Corapi Facts

I saw this at Patrick Madrid’s blog and I thought it’s really funny and some what true about Fr Corapi. Those of you who don’t know Fr. Corapi, you can click here to find out more about him. He is in EWTN and as well as the radio talk show. You can also click here.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Very Inspiring Ordination Video

Let’s pray for our Priests, especially now in the Year of the Priest.